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Healthy beliefs or screwed mindsets?

Women are endangered under the Taliban. Women are suppressed under the Taliban. Women have no right to opinion under the Taliban. Women are not treated like humans under the Taliban. While all people have been affected by the Taliban rule, women have been more harshly treated because of what the body calls ‘religious beliefs’. Over the years of equality development, if there’s one thing we’ve learned, it is that one’s religious beliefs and practices are NOT, and never will be a valid reason to discriminate and unjustly treat population groups of any kind.

Unjustified ‘laws’ that suppress women

  • Women are not allowed to leave their house except with a male relative.

  • Women are not ALLOWED to appear in public without wearing a burqa (without covering their entire bodies). The burqa is part of their religion but when any practice is forced on a human, it becomes a right violation.

  • Most female education and employment are banned.

  • Women are ‘suggested’ to stay indoors unless for some urgent work.

No right to education, to employment, to having an opinion? Sounds quite the same as not having an identity. Women have been kicked out of the workforce, banned from driving, and banned from seeing male doctors. And since women barely get to be doctors, that poses to be quite a problem.

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A woman named Khadija tried to kill herself in 2017. She claimed that her husband beat her and made her a victim of domestic abuse. “I am not alive, but I am not dead”, were her exact words after she survived. This clearly shows how she felt isolated as if she had no right to have an opinion or a voice. The majority of Afghan women are domestically and sexually violated, many in the “comfort” of their own homes. Taliban is a body promoting discrimination against women, allowing people under their rule to feel like it’s okay, which is the absolute opposite of what it is.

This is a problem in our world. Taliban has gained control over 60% of Afghanistan. We need to do our part in helping refugees. There are many organizations that take part in helping the women, children, and refugees of Afghanistan. A few of them are:

All these organizations and many more either raise money for refugees to settle in new countries, help flee their isolated states, or promote campaigns to encourage people to care. We can donate, campaign, fundraise, and gain attention, but we should do everything we can to make sure people get to live, not just survive.

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